Inexpensive Weekend Getaway Ideas

When you need to get away from your everyday routine but don't have the funds for an expensive vacation, consider taking a weekend trip. Whether you want to go as a couple or bring the family, there are options for everyone.

woman holding warn tea while smiling at happy man playing guitar in a cabin loft

Getaway Ideas for Couples

You and your sweetie might need some time away without the interruptions that are inevitable when you stay home. Here are some options you might want to consider:

  • Mountain Cabin - If you live anywhere near the mountains, there are bound to be some cabins available to rent, like these deluxe cabins. Do this during the off-season, and you'll save a boatload of money.

  • Local Spa - Do a search for spa packages that are within a couple hours' drive from your home. You may enjoy a couple's massage, swimming in a lap pool, relaxing in a hot tub, or dining in a nice restaurant that specializes in your favorite cuisine.

  • Beach Trip - Many beach resorts offer attractive packages that include the use of pools, meals, and other amenities.

parents holding hands while looking into the forest with their two young children

Getaway Ideas for Families

If you feel that your family needs to refresh and spend some time together without the distractions of neighborhood children knocking on the door or being the hangout for the high school football team, consider piling the family into the car and taking a weekend trip. There are bargains galore during off-peak times, so check the websites of the destinations that interest you. Here are some ideas to consider:

  • National Parks - Most of the national parks are inexpensive and offer opportunities for hiking, swimming, boating, and learning about the area. Some have well-appointed campgrounds, while others have arrangements for inexpensive lodging nearby.

  • House Swap - If you know a family in an area you'd like to visit, you may be able to arrange to swap houses with them for a weekend. You'll have the opportunity to be a tourist without having to pay a fortune for a hotel.

  • Museum Tours - Most museums are affordable, and they provide opportunities to learn about history, technology, and culture. Go during an off-season time, and you'll find some great hotel rates.

  • Train Trip - If your children have never been on a train, consider taking a short rail trip for the weekend. Look for bargains on scenic routes, and you'll be able to enjoy a wonderful family getaway without the stress of being behind the wheel.

man and woman smiling and dancing in a field of grass

Quick Refresh

After your first weekend getaway, you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner. You'll come back refreshed without putting too big of a dent in your pocketbook.